24 February 2023

The first stepping stone

 The ultimate goal for both sides was the Fornax system itself. Rich in subterranean promethium fields and covered in sprawling industry the worlds of the Fornax system were a tempting prize. If the loyalists could hold them and turn their industrial capacity to their own ends it would facilitate an offensive into neighbouring sectors, maybe even on to Terra itself. If the traitors could claim it they would have all the materials they needed to increase their stranglehold on the Imperium Secundus and snuff out what might well be the Imperium's last hope.

But the Fornax system itself was a formidable target. Ruled with an iron fist by the patriarchs of the techno-prelates, the worlds of the Fornax system were protected by orbital battle stations and fortified planetary defence silos. Any direct assault would be costly in the extreme. But a fortress is only as strong as its weakest link, and for Fornax that weak link was its dependence on its supply chain. Its swollen workforce could only be sustained by food imported from nearby agri-worlds and its formidable armies of cyber-augmented hearth guardians needed munitions, weapons and vehicles from as far afield as Metallica itself.

The most vulnerable part of that supply chain was the Attis system. Its benign G2 Yellow Dwarf star had two life bearing temperate agri-worlds orbiting it. Covered in verdant plantations they had only a bare minimum of planetary defence forces garrisoning them.

Both sides dispatched task forces to secure this poorly defended prize for themselves.

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