24 May 2023

Attis II current situation


The Invasion Begins

With the military base and refuelling facilities of Attis VI under loyalist control and a sizeable fleet formed up in orbit around the icy planet the focus of both sides moved to the primary agri-worlds. The Dark Angels formed by far the largest component of the loyalist task force and it was they that drew up invasion plans for the next phase of the operation.

Vital though they were the agri-worlds of the Attis system represented little more than a prelude to the conquest of the core industrial worlds of the Foraxian Hegemony. The Dark Angels wanted a quick victory here and wasted little time in landing their forces directly at Attis II's capital city, Jarilo Spaceport. The extended urban sprawl would require a significant commitment of force to secure, but if successful the loyalists would control most of the world's limited industrial capacity and be well positioned to seize the planet's orbital defence batteries and military installations.

Jarilo's planetary militia were woefully unprepared for what they were about to face. A night time drop pod assault quickly overran the airfield air defences and slaughtered the panicked militia defending them as they scrambled to muster. Heavy orbital landers soon began depositing their cargo of vehicles and power armoured warriors. The Dark Angels moved out with clockwork efficiency, annihilating a few scattered militia road blocks and outposts as they established a beachhead. The first real resistance they encountered was a surprise counter attack by forces of the Emperor's Children.

Emperor's Children forces advance towards the airfield

A fierce firefight sprang up in the pre-dawn gloom as the traitors engaged. The percussive rumble of explosions and bolter fire echoed over the terrified city but as dawn broke the Emperor's Children were forced to disengage. The Dark Angel's ruthless fire discipline had destroyed most of the traitor's line infantry leaving them unable to hold any ground they might have taken.

As the Dark Angels secured a defensive perimeter the Imperial army began landing their own forces. Once they had built up sufficient strength they would be able to relieve the Astartes in defending the spaceport perimeter and allow the Dark Angels to push out and take the rest of the city.

Aware of the loyalist's plans it was the Death Guard that were next to make their presence known as they launched a massive infantry assault against the space port's refuelling and warehousing district. It was defended by newly deployed Imperial Army forces, second line human troops who were not prepared or equipped to repel an assault by Legiones Astartes. Despite this the army troops acquitted themselves with great distinction and launched a decisive counter attack. Armoured personnel carriers charged headlong into the Death Guard lines, scattering them and allowing cavalrymen to charge into the breach. It was a brave display that would earn their unit a posthumous commendation but the disciplined Death Guard closed their ranks and surrounded the attackers with a wall of terminator armour and ranked bolters. With their supporting tanks falling to the Death Guard's own fire support the brave men of the Imperial army could do little except die.

The Death Guard begin their assault against the Imperial Army

The Death Guard's successful assault set back the loyalist schedule for the entire operation and forced the deployment of further chapters of Dark Angels. These moved out from the spaceport in a pincer movement. One thrust encountered the Emperor's Children once more whilst the other went head to head with the Death Guard. Both traitor forces were determined to halt the loyalist advance here.

Dark Angels tanks spearhead the advance

The Emperor's Children faced a mechanised spearhead of Land Raiders supported by Heavy Support squads are were bloodily repulsed by the shock assault. Meanwhile the Death Guard attempted to secure the city's central plaza against their Dark Angel opponents but found their lead elements surrounded.

The Death Guard storm into Jarilo's central plaza

After a brief exchange of fire the fighting devolved into brutal close quarter street fighting carried out with swords, scythes and chain bayonets. The flow of combat swept back and forth but eventually all the Death Guard were cut down and their leader found himself without allies and surrounded by vengeful Dark Angels. He screamed blasphemous obscenities to the last as the Dark Angel's praetor stepped forward and ended his treason with his blade.

Brutal close quarter fighting rages as the Death Guard and Dark Angels fight to the death

The few surviving Death Guard withdrew leaving the Dark Angels fully in control of Jarilo. There would be a short pause in fighting as the traitors licked their wounds and the loyalists established their command post and fortified the spaceport, but momentum now lay with those loyal to the emperor.